Connecting Hearts and Minds:
Upcoming Events
RWAV/Veterans Sunday Worship
Seminarian Dave Stuart, preaching
Revs. Paul & Laura Whitmore and Seminarian Matthew Ceurvorst, assisting
Special Music from the Handbell Choir and Leslie Uhl, soloist
Join us for RWAV/Veterans Sunday Worship in The Sanctuary, a heartfelt service honoring our veterans. Experience community, faith, and gratitude together.

Communion Sunday Worship
Rev. Paul Whitmore, preaching
Rev. Laura Whitmore, assisting
Special Music from Lonnie Root, cello
Experience the Joy of Communion Sunday Worship.

Bible Sunday Worship
Seminarian Matthew Ceurvorst, preaching
Revs. Paul and Laura Whitmore, assisting
Special music from the Cherub Choir
All 3rd Graders are invited to receive a Bible on this 180th annual Bible Sunday. This is a special day when we offer the word of God as a gift to our children.
Laity Sunday Worship
We are pleased to announce that Pat Morrow will be speaking at our pulpit on this Sunday. We will be celebrating the ways in which we all minister to one another. Deacons and other church members will be joining Pat in leading this meaningful and empowering worship service.