2nd Hours
second hours
Throughout the year, we provide educational and spiritual “classes” from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. These “second hours” follow our worship service and cover an array of interesting topics. The following 2nd Hours will be held this year:
September 19: Confirmation Parent’s Informational Meeting
September 26: Meet representatives from our 19 Mission Partners and learn about the great work they do
October 3: The Meaning of Prayer
October 10: A Historic Tour of Southport Village and the Pequot War with David Naumac
October 17: The Examined Life with David Stuart, Don Burton, Rev. Cecily Stranahan and Rev. Paul Whitmore
October 24: The Examined Life, Part II with David Stuart, Don Burton, Rev. Cecily Stranahan and Rev. Paul Whitmore
November 7: A Time of Prayer and Prayer Partners Gathering
November 14: A Historic Tour of the site that ended the Pequot War with David Naumac
November 21: Pie Fundraiser for Refugee Teens and Thanksgiving Food Basket Assembly