Children & Youth
Participating in the worship of the larger church family is an important aspect of a child’s religious education. To that end, the Southport Congregational Church invites the children to participate in the opening parts of the Sunday services with their parents. This includes the Call to Worship, the opening hymn, the Prayer of Invocation and the Lord’s Prayer, and ends with the Children’s Sermon.
All children, from Kindergarten to Grade 5, participate in Children’s Chapel. Following dismissal from the Sanctuary, the entire Church School gathers for a Chapel service that include singing, games, scripture as well as lessons and discussion. 6th, 7th and 8th Grade youth leave the Sanctuary and go directly to the Youth Room for their discussion-based class. Our Fun Friends, children ages 3 and 4, go directly to Room 5 following Church School dismissal from the Sanctuary for a play based lesson and some fellowship time.
For the comfort of all in worship, we offer babysitting for infants and toddlers (up to age 3) in Room 5 in the lower level of our Education Wing. Our Nursery Caregivers are in the Nursery from 9:45 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Parents may drop off infants and toddlers prior to the start of the worship service. Children must be signed in and signed out of the Nursery. Please bring a diaper bag with additional diapers, wipes, change of clothing, and an extra bottle.
It is our belief that children can understand the gifts they have and that developing the habit of contributing to the needs of others is a critical practice in Christianity. On Welcome Home Sunday in September, children will receive their own offering envelopes. Collection is received every Sunday in Children’s Chapel. The donations are given to a charity determined by the Church School in September and in May.
Based upon study, prayer and reflection of this issue over the course of several years, the Church Council voted to adopt as church policy the following: "It is the practice at the Southport Congregational Church to welcome all people to the Lord's Table who wish to receive the Sacrament of Communion. We believe that the decision regarding what age is most appropriate for a particular child to receive Communion should be made between a parent and a child. Therefore, the elements shall be offered to all in attendance, since some may choose to receive Communion and others may not.