Online, Text & Venmo Giving
To make a contribution or payment of any kind — from fulfilling church pledges to more! — please just click below.

Make a Difference
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:11
Giving Through Venmo
If you have the Venmo App on your phone, scan the QR code to the left or simply send your gift to @southport_congregational.
How to text to give
Text 860-854-1995
Write dollar sign, amount, and the word “Pledge, Plate, or Mission.” Example: $100 Pledge
If it is your first time texting to give to SCC, you will be prompted to provide your credit card information.
It will be stored for the next time you text to give.Optional: Click on the checkbox if you can help us offset the credit and ACH processing fees by agreeing to a 3% surcharge on your gift. Checking this box is always appreciated!
How to give online
Click on the button on the left to be brought to our online giving page.
Enter the amount you want to give.
Click on the down arrow in the first line titled to select which fund you want to give.
If you want to make your gift recurring, click on the down arrow on the line titled “Give One Time.” You can choose any giving frequency listed (One time, weekly, monthly, twice monthly, quarterly, or yearly).
Select either “Give by Credit/Debit Card” or “Give by ACH” by clicking on the down arrow.
Click the “Continue” button and follow the prompts for inputting your billing and address information.
Optional: Click on the checkbox if you can help us offset the credit and ACH processing fees by agreeing to a 3% surcharge on your gift. Checking this box is always appreciated!
Once completed, a Thank you/confirmation email will be sent to the email address you filled in for your records.