Becoming a Member
If you would like to make Southport Congregational Church your spiritual home, we would love to have you. Wherever you are on your faith journey, you have a welcoming and supportive home here. We officially receive members into our church family twice a year.
Members (as distinguished from friends or periodic attenders) make promises to God and to each other: to support and serve one another, to love and live for God, to work for the welfare of the church and the community. Members are those who have committed and who can be counted on to continue Southport Congregational Church’s mission.
Will you join our church family?
To reflect on these promises to be made, to explore the common life of the congregation, and to learn more about membership, we invite you to attend a New Member’s Lunch. At this lunch, you’ll meet others new to SCC and will meet and hear some of the stories of current members. We will share with you what makes this vibrant, diverse, and fun-loving Christian community work! We will talk about what it might mean for you to jump in and join us on our faith journey. A light meal is served and childcare is available with advance notice.
For more Information, please contact:
Pam Poling, Church Secretary at ppoling@southportucc.org