Our History
The original church building was built by 23 men from Southport in 1843 on the same plot of land that the very first settler, Enoch Griswold, built the first cabin. Within 32 years, they had outgrown this building and the current stone church was built.
Here are the Ministers:
Rev. S. J. M. Merwin (1844-59)
Rev. C.E. Lindsley (1859-69)
Rev. G.E. Hill (1870-76)
Rev. W.H. Holman (1877-1915)
Rev. R.H. Wilson (1917-20)
Rev. J.L. Shively (1921-35)
Rev. J.H. Twichell (1935-43)
Rev. G.E. Russell (1943-52)
Rev. E.B. Chaney (1953-63)
Rev. E.W.W. Lewis (1963-69)
Rev. L.S. Ensign (1969-1994)
Rev. P.D. Whitmore (1994 - present)
In addition, 4 Associate Ministers have served the Congregation:
Rev. Laura Whitmore (2003-present) The first Ordained Woman to serve.
Rev. Sharon Blackburn (2006-2014)
Rev. Sharon Alberson (2003-2006)
Rev. Jonathan Wortman (1999-2001)
Church Timeline
1834 - First Congregational Society formed
1835 - Present site purchased
1842 - Wooden meeting house erected
1843 - Southport Congregational Church officially organized and dedicated
1844 - Rev. Samuel John Mills Merwin installed as 1st Senior Minister
1850 - Clock installed; Organ installed
1857 - Church membership: 104 members
1859 - Rev. Samuel John Mills Merwin resigns
1860 - Rev. Charles E. Lindsley installed as 2nd Senior Minister and land for the Parsonage was purchased
1861 - New Parsonage occupied
1864 - New organ installed
1866 - Church repaired
1869 - Rev. Charles Lindsley resigned
1870 - Rev. George Hill installed as 3rd Senior Minister
1871 - Congregational vote to repair and remodel Church
1871 - Congregational vote to build a new Church
1873 - Congregational vote to build new Church of wood
1874 - Building contract signed for stone Church
1876 - Completion and dedication of new stone Church
1876 - Church bell presented by Mrs. Jonathan Sturgis
1876 - Rev. George Hill resigned
1877 - Rev. William Henry Holman installed as 4th Senior Minister
1881 - Gas lighting installed1898 - Tower Clock given to the Church
1899 - Church and Parsonage repaired
1901 - Church membership: 191 members
1903 - Church incorporated under the laws of Connecticut
1907 - Church organ given by Mary C. Wakeman
1915 - Rev. W.H. Holman resigns after 38 years of service. Parsonage deeded to him. Perry Parsonage, a gift of Maria Perry, adopted as residence for future pastors
1917 - Rev. Raymond H. Wilson installed as 5th Senior Minister
1920 - Rev. R.H. Wilson resigns
1921 - Rev. John Lehman Shively installed as 6th Senior Minister
1926 - Church membership: 191 members
1926 - Perry Parsonage sold; Third or Bulkley Parsonage, a gift of Benjamin Bulkley, adopted as residence for future pastors (our current Parsonage)
1935 - Rev. J.L. Shively resigns
1935 - Rev. Joseph Hooker Twichell installed as 7th Senior Minister
1939 - Church interior redecorated (choir and organ moved to gallery)
1943 - Rev. J.H. Twichell resigns
1943 - Church celebrates its 100th anniversary
1943 - Rev. Galen E. Russell installed as 8th Senior Minister
1943 - Church membership: 397 members
1946 - Plan for Free Pews went into effect
1948 - National Merger with Evangelical Reformed Church approved
1950 - Church membership: 397 members
1950 - Parking lot across from Church donated by Virginia Perry
1952 - Rev. G.E. Russell resigns
1952 - Rev. Elwyn Chaney installed as 9th Senior Minister
1955 - Project to expand Church School initiated
1956 - Ground breaking for Church School Wing, Chapel and Library
1958 - Completion and dedication of Church School Wing, Chapel and Library
1963 - Rev. Elwyn Chaney resigns
1963 - Rev. Edward W.W. Lewis installed as 10th Senior Minister
1963 - Parsonage renovated
1969 - Rev. Edward Lewis resigns
1969 - Rev. Loring S. Ensign installed as 11th Senior Minister
1970 - Organ rebuilt
1976 - 100th anniversary of Church Sanctuary
1984 - Creation of the Carousel, the Church’s Thrift Shop
1993 - Renovation of the Church library
1994 - Rev. L.S. Ensign resigns
1994 - Rev. Paul D. Whitmore installed as 12th Senior Minister
1995 - ROOMS with a VIEW, an interior design show, was created as the church’s major fundraiser
1998 - Repair and re-slating of Church roof
1998 - Our 1st Student Minister, Eric Olson, is hired
2003 - Sharon Alberson hired as Associate in Ministry and Rev. Laura Whitmore as the Minister of Christian Education and Youth (Rev. Laura Whitmore is the first ordained woman to serve the Church)
2004 - Church membership reaches over 500 members
Our 2nd Student Minister, Jennifer DeBisschop, is hired
2004 - Congregational vote to undertake significant remodeling of Church structure and the building of a new addition to the building
2006 - Rev. Laura Whitmore hired as Associate Minister and Rev. Sharon Blackburn hired as the Pastoral Associate Minister
2012 - Congregational vote to undertake a Capital Campaign to restore Stained Glass Windows, renovate Parsonage kitchen, build storage facility (The Barn) and perform necessary updates to the current buildings and grounds
2014 - Church membership exceeds 650 people
2015 - Rev. Blackburn retires
2016 - "The Barn" is built as a storage facility building
2018 - Church membership reaches 750 members
2019 - SCC enters into a covenant with Andover-Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School to create a co-op position for up to three student ministers to provide a three year hands-on ministry program
2019 - SCC celebrates Rev. Paul Whitmore’s 25 years of Ministry
2019 - Our 3rd Student Minister, Ali Hillman is hired, a student at Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
2019 - Celebration of ROOMS with a VIEW 25th Anniversary
2020 - Our 4th Student Minister, Julie Center is hired, a student at Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
2020 - On March 15 the Church building was closed for 25 months due to the Covid pandemic, however, programs and worship continued virtually
2021 - Ali (Hillman) Kralovec-Kirchherr Ordained into the Ministry of the United Church of Christ