Connecting Hearts and Minds:
Upcoming Events

Palm Sunday Worship in The Sanctuary
Join us for worship in the Sanctuary as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem when the crowds came out by the thousands to welcome the Messiah into the Temple. We celebrate that entry with a parade of our own, led by our children.

Maundy Thursday
We will gather once again for this special dinner and service in Fellowship Hall. Reservations will be accepted for church members first. Seating is limited to 110 attendees and is recommended for children 10 and older. If space allows, we will accommodate guests. Reservations must be made by April 13 with payment of $30 per person, or by dropping off a check at the Church Office. Click HERE to make a payment. When making a reservation payment, select "Give to Maundy Thursday" from the dropdown menu on the first line.

Good Friday - Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary
The Stations of the Cross is a multi-step devotional walk in the Sanctuary that commemorates Jesus’ last day on earth. The stations focus on specific events of that day, functioning as a mini-pilgrimage from station to station.
Good Friday - Meditation in the Chapel
The Chapel will be open to allow people to sit in silence and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and to spend some time in quiet prayer and reflection with our God.

Good Friday - Kirtan With Scott and Matthew
Join Scott Whitmore and Matthew Ceurvorst for Kirtan, call and response chanting, in the Sanctuary. We'll all join together for singing in meditative practice. No previous experience is necessary, only open hearts!

Easter Sunday Beach Service
Confirmation Class leading Worship at Sasco Hill Beach. Join us for a retelling of the Easter story led by our 2025 Confirmation class. The format is beach-casual, and you are encouraged to bring a chair or blanket to sit on. This is the only service in which the Sacrament of Communion will be served (by intinction). We can't wait to share this special day with you!

Easter Sunday Sanctuary Service
Join us in the Sanctuary for our traditional Easter Service. Our Junior and Teen choirs will perform, and our Senior Choir will lead us in the “Hallelujah Chorus” along with Brass and Timpani as we all gather together to celebrate the miracle of the Resurrection and the gift of Eternal Life!